Defining Snapchat, With Long Island Advertising Agencies

Posted on 07. May, 2016 by in Online Business

There are some services that seem to take off out of nowhere. For evidence of this, all you have to do is look at Snapchat, which has become quite popular among smartphone customers and social media users alike. However, there are still many people who look at this program and wonder what makes it so special. For those who would like to define Snapchat with as much accuracy as possible, here is some information that Long Island advertising agencies can provide.

If you didn’t know already, Snapchat is a photo and video-sharing app that came out in 2011. What makes this app different from others, though, is that its shared content known as “snaps” last for seconds at a time. What you should also know is that you can make what you share more artistic with the use of filters. This adds to the enjoyment of the aforementioned app and, as a result, allows it to come across as more appealing.

What about the other features that Snapchat has to offer, you may wonder? One of the most popular is Stories, which are collections of snaps that are pieced together in order, hence the name. Not only can this be used for photos but videos as well, meaning that the content shared doesn’t have to be limited. As a matter of fact, companies like fishbat can support the notion of Stories being used by big businesses as well as those who work on independent levels.

Snapchat has the potential to be used by advertising agencies in Long Island, the main reason being the specific content that this app is built around. Photos and videos are paramount when it comes to the aforementioned app, and to say that they’re engaging would be an understatement. In addition, they can be crafted to fit brands, which is great for consistency’s sake. With Snapchat, a wealth of potential exists.

With these points in mind, you should have a better understanding of what Snapchat is. More importantly, you should feel encouraged to download it onto your own device, which will result in a new social experience unlike any other. Not only is a great way for friends and family members to stay in touch, but businesses could incorporate it as well. By doing so, you’ll start to see just how much power Snapchat can have.

For more info about Snapchat, as well as other mobile apps, please contact fishbat.

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