How To Writing Compelling Copy Lesson #4-Structure of Persuasive Copy

Posted on 17. Jun, 2013 by in Blog, copywriting, Marketing

Compelling Copy-Structure

In Lesson 1 we looked keeping your content simple, Lesson 2 and 3

we discussed the types of headlines and how you can craft a headline that works… that gets your reader to perform the action you want them to take. This could be to read further or to purchase what you have to offer.

You now know that every element of your content is designed to lead on to the next. The headline is to get the reader to read the first sentence, then the second sentence and so on.

As with headlines, writing persuasive content needs structure and contains elements that have been proven time and time again. It doesn’t matter what you are writing a sales page, long blog post or promotional ebook using these elements will determine how effective your copy is.

Here are some guidelines to the structure of persuasive copy:




  • First of all, focus on the reader – your headline and opening paragraphs would have made an important promise that tells the reader what’s in it for him or her.
  • Each part should have a main idea that is compelling and a main purpose.
  • Be specific and laser focused and make sure you give ‘reasons why’.
  • Show credibility by using statistics, expert references and testimonials. You must show you are the expert , the authority, the person to knows and understands their problems
  • After building your authority focus back on the reader. Use the question ‘what’s in it for me?’
  • Make an offer. Whether you are selling an idea or product, you’ve got to tell them exactly what you are offering to do for them.
  • Sum everything up and get back on to what you originally promised them.

Copywriting Promise

The next lesson, Lesson 5, will dig into one particular element that trips up many beginner writers… features and benefits.


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