Speed Improvement Pointers By A Website Development Company

Posted on 10. Jan, 2018 by in Website

To say that website loading speed is important would be an understatement. As a matter of fact, if you build a website that takes longer than a few seconds to fully load, a visitor will be likely to click away in an instant. If your site’s speed stands to be improved, there are numerous ways that this can be done. Here are a few of the best pointers that your local website development company will be able to offer.

One of the ways that website development companies can improve matters from a speed standpoint is by looking at the site’s content. Is there too much of a focus on Flash, for example? While this may look nice, it doesn’t exactly help overall functionality. As a matter of fact, it may be worthwhile to do away with Flash if it can improve the loading speed. Companies such as Lounge Lizard will say the same.

Next, check if a website has a high number of images. If this is the case, chances are that this added to the seconds needed for the site in question to load. Images require bandwidth, though not as much as Flash, in order to load. Instead of focusing so much on adding pictures, try to include more text. Your visitors will still be able to obtain the information they need and you’ll be happy to know that your site will perform at the level it should.

If you plan on using images, it’s recommended that you optimize them. One of the ways to do this is by saving them as certain file types; JPEGs load fastest without sacrificing much in the way of visual quality. Furthermore, make sure that your images are appropriately resized so that they perfectly fit without your site having to resize them for you. When this is done, less bandwidth will be needed, resulting in faster speeds to boot.

The server where a website is located could make a difference, too. Depending on the server you use, it’s possible that you will see positive changes by moving your site onto another. The opposite could be true as well, since this move could make things worse if you’re not careful. If you’re not confident about this move, there’s nothing wrong with contacting your web designer. As a matter of fact, it’s recommended that you do so regardless.

Would you care to learn more about website development? If so, visit Lounge Lizard today!

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