How To Write An eBook That You Can Sell To The Hoards: Step 3-Setting Yourself Up For Success

Posted on 19. Feb, 2013 by in Blog, Bond Global Enterprises, Books, Business, Internet Marketing, Marketing, Online Business, Publishing

How To Write An eBook That You Can Sell To The Hoards: Step 3-Setting Yourself Up For Success

How To Write An Ebook That You Can Sell

In this step we’ll cover the practical steps you can take to successful writing. Where and how you do your writing can make a big difference to your mindset and consequently your productivity. There is only one thing to remember and that’s this “the only thing that matters is that you actually start writing.” It could be using pen and paper or a keyboard, it doesn’t matter, just start. Just realize that “It doesn’t have to be perfect, it just has to be!”

I want to mention a couple of things briefly and that’s grammar and punctuation. You may feel that your grammar and punctuation are not of an acceptable standard. If you can talk to people and make yourself understood then your level of grammar will be fine. Remembers it’s what you say that is more important than how you say it. In the proofreading and editing world it is known that ‘you can’t see your own mistakes’, therefore it’s important that when you complete your eBook that someone else reviews it for errors.

Being mentally and physically alert also helps you to write faster as when you are fit you can keep on writing for much longer. The need for sustenance increases when you use a lot of mental energy so eating light regular meals or snacks will make you more productive. Get plenty of sleep and avoid processed, junk foods as well as fried food, meat, dairy and alcohol.

With that being said let’s look at ‘where to write’. I find my best place to write and where I’m the most comfortable is sitting at my desk using my laptop with a separate key board, natural light and a bottle of water. I find having music on in the background is distracting and makes me uptight, while others find listening to classical music a great way to get the creative juices flowing. Do whatever works for you

The next aspect in setting yourself up to be successful is time management or mastering your use of your writing time. Most of us don’t have ‘too much’ time on our hands to waste so how we use the time to write is vital.

Here are some key tips:

  1. Organize your time into blocks. Successful entrepreneurs and business people always say that they set aside a block of time to do certain tasks on their business where they are not interrupted, nor do they waver from the job at hand. Set aside reasonable amounts of time – preferably between two and four hours at a stretch. You will get a lot done and it’s not too long that your energy will be drained. Have a 1-2 minute break every 45 minutes and during that break stretch, give your body a shake as movement gets the blood circulating again and have a drink. At the end of each block of time quickly scan over what you have written. Congratulate yourself on what you have achieved. This is a great motivator.
  2. Don’t waste time looking for the ‘best time to write’. This is a great killer of creativity and productivity. The best way to get in the right frame of mind is ‘just to start’. Some people suggest that the time of day plays an important role in productivity. I used to think that also as I was a night-owl and worked better at night and was absolutely hopeless in the morning. I now find that I can write at any time of the day – it’s a matter of mindset. To get the work done, just do it.
  3. Write outside of block time. Don’t wait until your block time comes around. If you feel the urge to write, then do so. Those are the times when you find you actually have written something that can add a higher value to your eBook.

Last but not least is your mindset. Much has been written about how a positive mindset can achieve miracles. How you manage your mind is the key to your writing success. Here are some simple techniques that you can do to keep your mindset in a positive, creative and productive state.

You have got to change your thinking. When you change your thinking, you can change your life. You’ve got to shift your mind and start thinking differently.

Start thinking of yourself as an expert, think of yourself as an entrepreneur, think of yourself as wealthy and having great things that you have always desired, being able to do what you have always wanted to do. Don’t just think about it but put it down on paper, write it down, write down your goals, write down your dreams.

Make it happen! When you put it down on paper, it makes it that much more real or tangible. Believe it or not, your subconscious mind will start to take over and start to achieve this and start to think this way when your conscious mind starts to take it in a different direction. This is how you create a mind shift.

Start thinking along these lines and you will get high quality eBooks written in a very short space of time and above all you will start to enjoy it. You will find that there are not enough hours in the day for your writing.

  • I love writing and the words just flow out of me
  • There is always time to write and it’s one of my top priorities
  • What I write is brilliant and people love it, they find it interesting and valuable and changes peoples’ lives!
  • When this eBook is written it will make great money for me for years to come.

Don’t be put off by these so-called bold statements. They are here to help you make writing effortless and productive and to do so you have to adopt the thoughts, beliefs and mindset beliefs of a successful writer.

One way to ensure your thoughts to positive creative ones is to create a Writer’s Mantra for yourself. Here’s my Writer’s Mantra: “I love writing and what I write is brilliant. It will never be perfect is just has to be enough to make a positive impact on many people.” This can be shortened to: “I love writing, it doesn’t have to be perfect is just has to be”.

From now on, whenever you going to write repeat your Writer’s Mantra to yourself. Put some energy into it. Saying this aloud re-enforces your belief that you can write brilliantly and that you will make a difference to peoples’ lives.

Congratulations – you are now a highly successful producer or high quality eBooks. May the pen be with you! In Step 4 I’ll discuss Defining the Purpose, finer details and Core Message of your eBook.

Now you know that you are an expert you ready to take your business online or to the next level. Join me and my students at Strategic Marketing Roadmap and learn how you can create the business of your dreams.

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