An Explanation Of Protein Formulation

Posted on 14. Apr, 2015 by in Marketing

As a biological organism, the human body consists of different substances or chemicals which make up its cells and tissues, and allow its internal processes to happen. Some substances are burnt for energy, while others (enzymes) make essential reactions possible. The actual structure of the tissue is composed of proteins, and these are required to grow new tissue or maintain existing cells. Protein formulation is an important issue in regulating a healthy metabolism.

A protein is not a basic or simple chemical entity. This means that it does not have a simple molecular structure. Rather, it comprises smaller, secondary construction units known as amino acids. There are more than 20 aminos, and they are arranged into various formulas or combinations in the synthesis of proteins. No two have the same formulation.

Of course, this in turn means that two of them may be very similar in composition, yet very different in their nature or what effect they have in the body. A deadly poison may be mostly similar, yet crucially different, to one which is more benign or which is simply of nutritional value.

The term is associated with meat, and is one of its main components. However, the term has a much large application to many more substances, many of which may be named in layperson’s language as something else entirely (such as poisons). The main factor to take note of here is that every one contains its own unique combination of amino acids.

Aminos have scientific names, such as taurine, arginine, or lysine. The human body needs certain aminos on a regular basis. They are essential to sound health. The question that arises is then as to which foods contain these acids, and in what concentrations.

In trying to obtain a suitable source, people may turn to meat, or the flesh of animals and sea creatures. Such sources are what is known as complete, i. E. They contain all the essential amino acids. These are also available in eggs (in the white or albumen) and milk. Fish is one source that is particularly useful in terms of its concentration.

There are other options, but they are not as suitable. Vegetable (plant) sources are more limited in their eligibility, simply because they do not provide complete protein (with the notable exception of soya). Some plants are able to in combination, such as beaked beans on toast (wheat and beans). However, the level available in plant sources is much lower than in meat (the exception here is, once more, soya).

Another approach, namely to try to isolate or consume more of certain identified aminos, is not advisable either. The body does not use the consumed protein directly, but first breaks it down into its basic acids and then uses the latter to construct its own human building blocks. This requires that all of the necessary amino acids are available to the body. The absence of even one of them makes the synthesis of the human protein impossible and makes the protein source useless. That source is therefore not a complete protein, and anyone who tries to use it for that purpose is going to develop symptoms associated with an inadequate protein supply.

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