Are Videos Favored By Google When It Comes To Search Rankings?

Posted on 24. Jul, 2014 by in Marketing

Google has been making a lot of changes lately, and so many people are worried that they will lose their business if these changes affect them. Nowadays ranking in Google is challenging, but it is not hard. You have to learn how to do it properly. You will not rank if you use tactics that Google doesn’t approve. Many people are thinking of using videos on their websites, but they are not sure if Google loves videos or not. If you are one of these people, then read this article. You will know if Google favors videos or not.

If the old methods no longer work, what does?

Videos – it has been found out that the percentage of websites ranking higher in search engines have hundreds, possibly thousands of videos posted on their blog, website and other video directories. These videos are now known to generate a good amount of traffic, improve SERPs, not to mention can also increase visitor engagement and sales altogether.

Google is big on favoritism. They favor Google + because it’s their own platform. They favor videos after purchasing YouTube a few years back. That is how it goes with Google, so if you want to rank better with the best search engine out there, you might as well play along.

You now know if Google favors videos on their search results. If you decide to use videos on your website, then you should focus on creating quality videos. The videos you create should be informative and it should solve the problems that people might be having.

If you put your Google on YouTube, you have a good chance to rank well in both the YouTube and the Google search results. Your first tactic might just be to rank for your preferred terms on the video site. It is owned by Google, and this high ranking in YouTube can lead to good results in Google’s natural results too. Just ranking well on YouTube can benefit you. Google is known as the largest search engine on the planet, but YouTube is actually #2.

Video Tube Secrets is a social media site aimed at uncovering the advantages & disadvantages by providing an insightful Video Tube Secrets Review.

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