Are You Using Video?

Posted on 30. Apr, 2015 by in Marketing

I have done video production for several years now and I am still blown away by how people treat video. Everyone knows that video is a huge asset to marketing, but many business owners still don’t use it. It seems like the big brands can’t get enough of it and the smaller companies can’t be bothered with it. If you are on the fence, then maybe you just need to see a few types of videos that are being completely overlooked.

Product Demo: The entire software industry is all over this, but most small businesses in other industries forget about the product demo video. It is fairly simple to make one. Pull the product in close to the camera. Let’s take a good look at what you have there. Examine everything from aesthetics to functionality. Customers don’t need quite as much research time if you just dive in and show them everything.

Video Proposals: I have seen this work wonders for everyone from musicians to plumbers. When your band wants to book a show with a venue, simply visit the venue in advance, take out your phone and grab some video. Lay some audio over the footage saying that you checked out their venue and you think your band would be a good fit for them. Email it to the club owner and chances are your video will get watched.

Video Emails: Whether you are pitching an idea or just thanking someone for their help, put it on video. It is not everyday that people receive videos in their inbox. These messages not only get opened, but the personal touch indicates to the viewer that you care. This helps build relationships with your audience and other business owners.

This is just a taste of what video can do for you. I find that in this age of new media, everyone knows about the power of video, but I still don’t see it being used as much as it should. You have not missed the boat yet. My guess is that most people don’t use video because there is a perceived amount of difficulty associated with video. It is not hard once you get a workflow down. There is still plenty of opportunity to stand out with video, but everyone should jump on it before the landscape becomes saturated.

The author is also a contributor for Raleigh Resume Service and Go Narrow Media.

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