How To Profit With Myherbalife

Posted on 09. Aug, 2014 by in Marketing

My Herbalife distributors: Are you determined to creating a big business? If you are, dig into this article now.

If you want to become a top earner, you must go well beyond your circle of friends and family.

It’s imperative you master the basics of marketing- like any real business

Below are 3 strategies 7-figure earners taught me I have successfully used to take my business to an entirely new level:

– Use Twitter Effectively

On Twitter you can post tweets, short text messages which other members can read. Twitter is one of the most popular websites in the world and a powerful platform for generating leads for your My Herbalife enterprise.

You can reach your audience almost instantly. Getting started with Twitter is easy. Simply create a Twitter account and start following others.

Choose to follow people who are following network marketing trainers and leaders. It’s likely you’ll be following other network marketers. A large percentage of people you follow on Twitter will follow you as well.

It’s important you use attraction marketing on Twitter. To do so, tweet about topics that solve network marketers’ problems. Below are some topics about which to tweet:

– Lessons learned that can assist other business owners

– Quotes that inspire you

– Entertaining and unusual photos and stories

Do not mention your My Herbalife opportunity on Twitter. Almost no one on Twitter cares about your business opportunity. Twitter is a starting point for you to draw other network marketers into your world. Drive people from Twitter to your blog, where your instructional content positions you as an authority. Develop a relationship with your following. Some of your followers will ask to partner with you in your My Herbalife venture.

– Target Your Audience And Market Accordingly

Once you’ve identified the target market for your My Herbalife business, it’s much easier to create your marketing. Make decisions about:

– What type of person is the best fit for your My Herbalife opportunity?

– What business problems keep them awake at night?

– What do you have that can solve those problems?

– What websites does your target audience typically visit?

Your videos, blog posts and articles will be much more effective once you’ve defined your target audience and considered its needs. Clarifying your target audience makes it simple to plan you marketing pieces. Deciding what to blog, create videos, or write emails about becomes very easy.

Most people in ventures such as My Herbalife go after the wrong people! They try to target individuals who are facing extreme financial pressure or who are broke. Avoid broke people.

The best target market for most people in businesses like My Herbalife are network marketers in other companies that have not yet made it big. You don’t need to sell network marketers on the business model. And they’re already used to investing in a business.

Market with instructional content that solves the problems network marketers face, such as running out of leads. Create marketing that positions you as a leader. A lot of your audience will want to buy things you promote and join your My Herbalife organization.

– Connect With Other Business Owners

Creating a My Herbalife venture is not at all like having a job. While other people waste time watching reality TV, you’re going to be on the phone with prospects.

After a while, almost no one is going to understand what the heck you’re doing. They’ll make silly comments, such as:

– You think you’re too good to have a job like everyone else?

– You’re never going to succeed with that!

– I tried one of those things before. They never work!

This thinking keeps people broke. Do not allow your mentality to be influenced by these ignorant comments. Spend less time with people who don;t support you. You’ll feel more confident and get fewer hassles.

Put yourself into places where you’ll meet other network marketers. Go to Super Saturdays for My Herbalife. Find the top leaders in My Herbalife or other companies. They are often energetic, support people.

Connect with other network marketers on Facebook. Never lead with your My Herbalife venture. Start conversations. Average the income of the four or five people you spend the most time with and that’s what your income will look like. Pick the people you spend time with carefully.

Ricardo Interpemian has coached thousands of people how to build businesses such as My Herbalife.

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