Improve Your Viridian Profits

Posted on 22. Aug, 2014 by in Marketing

Viridian network marketing reps: Stop pestering friends and family about your opportunity.. Learn the strategies 7-figure earners are quietly using to build enormous businesses.

If you seek to become a top earner, you must go well beyond your circle of friends and family.

You absolutely need to learn the #1 skill of all top earners: marketing to massive numbers of people at a time.

Read the rest of this article to learn several strategies top 2% earners are using to build large and lucrative businesses:

– Diversify Your Income Streams

Make sure you have other income streams in addition to just your Viridian revenue. Banking solely on Viridian is very risky. You never know if your top people will leave your downline. The duplication rate in your Viridian downline might decline. Viridian management could take the company in a direction you don’t like.

you lower your risk when you diversify your Viridian business income. Add new revenue sources but do not get distracted from your core Viridian business.

Select one or more of the following ways to add new revenue lines:

Become an affiliate marketer. Become an affiliate of the marketing services, systems and courses you use in your business. Select the best products you use and promote them. Your reputation is at stake, so only promote affiliate products you feel good about. Generally you get paid commissions of twenty to sixty percent.

You can also transform your content into products. Sell recordings of your webinars. Turn your free videos into a for-profit video course. Make an ebook out of your written blog posts.

One-on-one coaching is another revenue stream you can add to your business. As your expertise grows, you can raise your coaching prices and be more selective about whom you coach.

– Make Use Of Social Media

Websites that are social are those that allow users to comment or otherwise reply about content they consume. More than 1.2 billion people use Youtube and Facebook alone. You can attract a lot of traffic and generate a lot of leads on social media sites.

The far majority of social media users today are adults, not just kids. Having a social media marketing strategy is vital to your Viridian success. If you don’t you will get left behind.

Reps in companies like Viridian usually use social media the wrong way. Over-eager distributors throw content onto the social media sites that’s far too promotional and hype-focused. Here’s how to use social media as a marketing platform for your Viridian opportunity:

– Social media is like a party.. Does it make sense at a party to try to introduce everyone you meet to your Viridian opportunity? No. You shouldn’t do that on social media sites. NEVER lead with your opportunity on social media.

– Focus first on connecting with people. Build a relationship.

– Keep your content on social media sites very educational.

– Never post on someone’s Facebook wall about your business. On Youtube, post only instructional videos, not highly promotional videos about your opportunity.

– Effective social media marketing means leading with valuable training. Strategies that assist network marketers to grow their businesses. Instructional videos that teach.

– If you are consistent in your social media marketing efforts, some people will regard you as a leader and join your business.

– Never Depend On A Single Source Of Website Visitors

The Internet is a great place to generate leads for your Viridian business. Start by focusing on one and only way to generate leads on the Internet. Don’t spread yourself too thin. Overwhelm is one of the biggest problems I see new marketers face.

Once you’re generating 10 to 20 leads per day from one strategy, it’s time to add another source of traffic. You can attract leads for your Viridian business from Facebook ads, videos on Youtube, or articles on your blog.

Begin with a single source of traffic, then diversity by adding other sources of website visitors. If a source of leads for your business goes down, you have other traffic sources on which to rely.

Certain traffic sources generate more sign ups than other sources. Strengthen your ability to sponsor people into Viridian regardless the traffic source that drove the prospect to your website.

Be just like an investor with a portfolio of various stocks, not only one stock. You reduce risk by having a variety of traffic sources. But remember: Only start with a single traffic source for your Viridian opportunity, unless you want to get overwhelmed!

Ricardo Interpemian has educated thousands of business owners how to grow businesses like Viridian.

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