Long Island SEO Advice For Real Estate Agents Regarding Urls

Posted on 16. May, 2019 by in Website Design

As a real estate agent, your job is to promote, sell, and, buy properties, ensuring that their value grows over time. Your reputation goes a long way, especially online, so it’s important to have a website that performs well. This is especially true when it comes to Long Island SEO, so let’s begin with the URLs that your site has. With the following advice in mind, you will be able to craft URLs that are not only SEO-friendly but able to grow your business in various respects.

One of the ways to create URLs that are SEO-friendly is by keeping them as short as possible. The more readable these are, according to companies like fishbat, the more likely they are to be seen by people that perform searches. Real estate agents would be wise to keep things short and sweet when crafting unique URLs. This is one of the many areas where an SEO expert can help if you feel like you require professional assistance.

Next, ensure that each URL has a relevant keyword included. To do so would be an oversight, and it’s a common one among those that are unfamiliar with SEO in general. Let’s say that, for the sake of argument, that you’re located in New York. Perhaps you’d like to include the term “real estate New York” somewhere in a relevant URL. In fact, it’s strongly recommended that you do so, as this will make your SEO even stronger.

Another way to make your URLs more SEO-friendly is by eliminating all stop words. For those that don’t know, stop words are often pronouns that we use in regular speech, but aren’t exactly conducive to crafting URLs. If your URLs include such terms as “of,” “the,” or “but,” you may want to think about removing them to keep things snappy. This may seem like an unnatural process at first, but eventually, your real estate agency will benefit from an SEO standpoint.

To create the best URLs in the long term, stay on top of SEO best practices. Understand what makes a website rank in this regard. Alter your URLs so that they continue to perform for your business. Anyone that has ever worked in SEO will tell you that strategies don’t stay the same for long. In fact, by staying on top of your game, you will be able to keep your website ranking, which will only help you obtain more clients looking to rent, lease, or buy.

Kindly consult fishbat to discover more about getting your website to rank.

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