The Do’s & Don’ts Of Typography For Website Design Companies

Posted on 27. Jun, 2017 by in Website

Typography, which is the art of arranging text, is one of the most critical aspects of website development. As a matter of fact, it would be safe to assume that your local web design company is able to use it well. What you may not know about typography is that it entails a process that must be handed with great care. In order to get the most out of this as possible, here are the essential do’s and don’ts that you should be aware of.

DO keep readability in mind. One of the most important aspects of typography, as supported by the likes of Lounge Lizard, is readability. After all, your work should be legible so that it doesn’t come across as sloppy. This is one of the reasons why your local web design company will handle typography with the utmost care. By treating this element with respect, the sites that said company is responsible for will be better off.

DON’T forget to use different sizes. When a particular type comes in different sizes, it creates a sense of hierarchy. For example, for basic text – around 11 to 12 pt. – you’d use it in order to develop most copy. On the other hand, much larger text can be used in order to create headlines that are meant to grab people at the onset. This might seem like simple logic, but its importance to typography in general cannot be ignored.

DO consider how closely font styles and brands connect. Another rule of typography is to ensure that font styles and brands are as closely connected as possible. For instance, if the owner of a local burger restaurant wants a new website, he or she may require a new font. For a restaurant that sells burgers, it would make sense for more basic styles to be used. This is just one example, but it should give you a general understanding of why communication is a vital component of typography.

DON’T forget to implement crowd control with your text. One of the most helpful components in web design is space. This is especially true with typography, seeing as how text can become relatively cramped. This is where crowd control can prove useful, as it will help you make the most out of the negative space that you have. Anyone that understands typography will tell you that crowd control matters.

For more information about typography and website design, please contact Lounge Lizard.

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